I have linked the http://www.webcomicscommunity.com/exchange.php on to my main page at http://ralfthedestroyer.com
I think this is the code...
<a href="http://ralfthedestroyer.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://ralfthedestroyer.com/wp-content/uploads/SKYPUB-ban-468x60.jpg"></a>
Thanks, Scott Lincoln
Hi Scott,
Thank you for joining the Banner Exchange. I am happy to add your banner to the rotation, but before I do, I need to ask that you double-check that image. The title says 468x60, but the image is served at 936x120 - exactly double the required size. Two options here:
1. Can you provide an updated image at the right size?
2. I can resize the image locally and host it on a WCC server.
Also, I wanted to mention that I have seen some serious performance issues with your website over the last few hours. Things seem to have straightened out now, but I wanted to mention that the site was non-responsive at several times over the past 12 hours in case you were not aware.
Please let me know what you would like to do with regard to the banner.
Hey Chadm1n,
Thanks for the reply. I reloaded the banner at the proper resolution, should be correct now.
As for the performance, I am aware that something is up, but wasn't sure if it was just my computer. Now I see you've noticed and I seem to be losing connection with Project Wonderful sporadically as well. I'm gonna call GoDaddy tomorrow and see what the deal is.
Thanks, Scott Lincoln
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the new image - mucho better. I've added Ralf The Destroyer to the Banner Exchange (http://www.webcomicscommunity.com/exchange.php).