
Webcomics beget Webcomics!


Started by Rob, January 05, 2010, 06:05:37 PM

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Hey guys. We need help. The very few of us involved in making/running this site are not enough to make this work. Here's what I'm looking for.

Artists - Certain small images around the site need to be replaced with images more in line with the theme of Webcomics. If you are inclined to help please post below. I guarantee what I'm looking for won't take up a ton of time.

Computer People - Do you know your PHPBB and CSS (and other computer things that I don't even understand enough to ask about)? We could use your help. The forums are looking pretty good and we've got the front page fairly well in hand. But I'm not satisfied. There are some alterations to the style sheet and index PHP of the forums that I think will really make this place feel like home. If you have the chops and want to be an administrator on the site to help us out please let me know. This will probably be a chunk of time in the beginning until I've got the changes I want. After that I don't expect we'll need much more than the occasional maintenance check. But it would be great to have someone who knows what they are doing keeping an eye on the site.

Moderators - Have you been around the webcomics world for awhile? Are you diplomatic and understand what the word tact means and just as importantly, what it represents? Do you subscribe to the idea that the users here on the site are our clients and that we are here to serve them (even for free); not belittle and embarress them when they make an internet mistake or lose thier shit over some random troll? Then you may have what it takes to be a mod here. You don't have to live on the site, but if the subject matter interests you, you feel you can contribute to the discourse, you can devote several hours a week to checking over threads and making sure no one is posting kiddy porn and you don't plan on going mad with power then please volunteer to be a moderator. My hope is that we will have lots of happy users here on the site. Happy users sometimes need directions and guidance. We may also have the occasional interloper. A spammer or a troll. They need to be dealt with diplomatically as well. As the user base expands we'll need lots of help with this. Please volunteer if you meet the criteria.

Writers - Think you can write a compelling article on a subject important to the webcomics community at large? Then please contact Rob via private message here on the site and pitch him your idea. No reasonable article will be refused and I won't be shooting anyone down just because I disagree with them. As long as it is well written and germain to the community I will run it. And if you need topic suggestions or editing help I'll do my best to give you whatever assistance I can. You are also free to poll the community about what subjects they would like to hear about. We even have a section for that here on the forums.

And anyone who thinks they have something worthwhile to contribute to the success of this site. Please don't hesitate to contact me. I WANT you to be involved.


On the topic of Artists and Computer People: I'm willing to work with you to give the site a complete overhaul, so it looks professional and consistent on all fronts. I'm familiar with PHP, MySQL and CSS, and although I've never run PHPBB before, With a little time, I can learn to skin it. Code is Code. If the community grows nicely, I'm willing to stay on as Webmaster in my free time to keep the site running smoothly, and up to date.

Moderators: I'm willing to moderate if you'd like. While I have not published a webcomic yet (One in the works). I've been around forums and webcomics communities for many years now, and feel I can act as a fair and impartial mediator when the need arises.

Writers: As somebody with basic marketing and consumer phsychology education, I feel I can contribute valuable information to the site itself.

So, What do you want to know?


I sent you a PM.  ;D


As I said before, I'm always willing to do graphics and give advice on the forums, and also do articles about art, writing, drama vs comedy (something never really went in depth with), web design, conventions, etc.


Good. get started. I'll taker whatever article you got on whatever subject you want to post.

No I'm not kidding.

And thanks.  ;)