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Art up in this piece: Post the last two thing's you've drawn

Started by KidGalactus, January 18, 2010, 10:50:19 PM

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I think the title's pretty self-explanatory. This thread's all about getting some art up in this piece!

I get the feeling that even though the board's grown by leaps and bounds, everybody's pretty guarded or super-serious or something. So why don't we all let our respective hairs down, head hair, preferably... and share some art. Even if you don't think you're good at drawing. Even if you're not the artist on your strip. The idea is to get to know eachother a little better through something we all have in common.

Simple rules. The last two things you've drawn along with a line or two of text. No matter what they are, though, for what it's worth I tend to think 'the sillier the better'.

A story idea I've been kicking around. It's about a character based on a friend of mine and lots of monsters.

Mandy and Alan from my comic ClockJumpers. Alan is a dinosaur. Mandy, of course, is his niece.

Alright. Now your turn!


I actually just finished this. First time in over a year I inked digitally.

...The main characters of my new project are named Javanshin and Razin(Rah-zen). Nicknamed rather unfortunately.


Uh... as stated I'm not an artist. I don't draw for fun. My comics take me a ridiculously long time... because I suck. But, since you asked... the last two things I drew were my last two BWBD comics.

Last weeks.

And this weeks, just posted.

If you want to know what the sign with the bear on it in panel one says you can either go to the site and look at it in our expanding flash viewer (also the comics in general are slightly larger and easier to read over there than these) or you can read on.

It says "Child must be this tall to not die in the ball pit." and the teddy bear is saying "Don't Die!"


Man, I've been putting so much time into my comic that I really haven't been drawing compulsively.

Ummm, let's see, here's a piece of lineart from a comic:

And here's a doodle of an NPC for a steampunk gurps game I'm working out for the summer:

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


I didn't want to be left out, so I went and drew these during classes instead of taking notes. :P

They are in pencil, but the contrast is increased for your viewing ease.

First I have my two main characters in what I attempted to make a Manga-esque style.

Next I have a MAJOR SPOILER FOR MY COMIC OMG I SHOULD NOT BE POSTING THIS...kinda.  You can only speculate as to what it means, and you'll probably forget about it by the time it actually gets introduced. ::)

Oh, and extra points to me since my pencil's eraser was already completely worn away. :D


I won't post my last SC comic page, because technically I only colored it yesterday. (And you can see it on my site, anyway! XD) The actual drawing was done weeks ago.

However, I HAVE been doing a ton of concept art for my band, Freen in Green. Today is our guitarist's birthday, so I drew him this:

Original sketch for the sketch is here. I like how the later version looks, a lot more energetic.

I also did an animated gif of Smoker (my character, who is the vocalist/Genie of the magic Freen in Green Marble)

Technically that's more like 10 drawings, but... ehn. XD  I love how animations look but I HATE MAKING THEMMMM.


Yamino, that is awesome, but might I make a suggestion on your animated gif, slow it down so she is keeping a true beat and moving at a realistic speed. I know what she is parodying, (though I forget exactly what but I have seen it and know of it) and she's moving way too fast to be real and it distracts from the actual work that you did because it is a blur. The last thing I ever drew was Sox in this comic (it really hurt to actually do even that with my wrist but I didnt feel like making a flat 3d model)
and the very last thing I really drew, despite it simply being a traceover of a 3d image, besides the blue bunny's (Daemon) hair which, I did draw without tracing was this comic.

If you really want to be super technical Daemon's texture is the last thing I drew, but that was by zooming in, holding the pen at an odd angle so I would not have to bend the wrist much, and drawing away. This is best looking image of it, although I did remove the pink to his lips and simply changed the white of his lips to a darker pink as it shows here but that was with the mouse ;) I forgot the shader on his shirt on that one but fixed the ones after that. There is a reason behind his coloring but that's a tale for another time.

Avatar from Wazaga
My Twitter


Argh! The last two things I've drawn are related to my commission stuff (not able to share, sorry) or not fit for this board (there's a bit of nudity, check my DeviantArt.) So I'll leave you with this.

Deadpool on the Intarwebz.

Also, a link to a wallpaper from my comic. It was a while ago, but hey. Gimme a break.



I think we can all agree that Deadpool is awesome no matter who draws him, but you did a good job.
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!


Allright, I uploaded two pieces of crap just so I can post here :P

I was trying out character designs... (ugh)

And art class homework.
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."


Ever start procrastinating while you're already engaged in procrastinating? I have a bad case of it today.

edit: whoops! This is ...most likely the 2nd to last thing I drew:


The second last thing I've drawn is this picture of my interpretation of poison ivy:

And the last thing I drew I will have to post when I get home and can access my desktop!

Scratch that, here it is:



Hahah, thanks. Went back and added that second piece in. Gotta jet now, gonna be late for work.