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Google Wave?

Started by Cebronix, January 13, 2010, 09:14:39 AM

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Quotebut I also have a g-mail account and I actually use the gmail account for everything because its just so much more flexible with the built in chat and everything to explain this.

My e-mail ( is a gmail account. That's what google apps are. When I registered my mostly dead comics group's domain with my host and set it up, it set up google apps for me. It automatically made,, and, and allows me to create unique e-mails and manage them myself, using gmail's software, but hosted by me. So for all intents and purposes, I am already using gmail. I have all the same functionality, extra stuff like google docs, calendar, reader, etc., but I have to wait behind everyone else for new features, specifically, Wave.

Since there's no way I'm going to set up a gmail account to receive e-mail from my domain's gmail account, I will have to wait...or, I would have. Jeffa sent me an invite for Wave, and I decided to try it out through google, buuuut, make no mistake, when I can host wave on my domain as part of apps, I'll be doing that.


My opinion is that Wave isn't past the try it stage any way...

A high percentage of the waves I have seen are of the "Cool! I'm in Wave! ... uh, now what do I do?" variety.

I have yet to have a really meaningful conversation in wave.

The one thing I have seen people do that I find mildly interesting is play roleplaying games. I no longer play them myself, but I can see where wave might be a good tool for doing so.