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Pleease help! Oh for the love of god HELP!

Started by dgabrielm, May 11, 2012, 10:16:20 PM

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The reason I wrote all that business about wanting help as a subject is that I feel that my webcomic is probably a cry for help in itself. I searched "Webcomic community" with a popular search engine and this is one character and a space away from spot on! I'm here because I'd like to find some people who'd like to look at my comics and find some that I like to read. I have been searching through the intros to find a webcomic whose pictures look more amatuerish than mine but so far I haven't been able to. So well done everyone else...

About me: I'm a completely self-centred man from the south of england, and that's also where my humour comes from. I'm a university student studying languages with a past (and a present) of theatre, dance, music and just about anything else in the arts all of which followed a childhood full of obsessive internet usage, video games and the like which led onto not being entirely useless at making websites. I hear many really brilliant artists and cartoonists say they're not very good at drawing so I say with some gravity that I actually am pretty bad at drawing which is why I don't not use a pensil, pen or any such artifact one uses to draw tangibaly. I've always had an interest in comedy and liked comics a lot but this inability to draw held me back until a few days before my 21st birthday when I just thought "F%*$ it; I'll just do them in the windows program paint and see how that goes.

About the comic: Started in late April 2012 by a complete amatuer who was surprised that the age of 21 was approaching him so quickly and he still had nothing artistic that was concrete to show for himself. Knowing full well that using the 3rd person about himself was pretentious; he started 'Dario's Cartoons'.

My cartoons are made only using the windows program paint and if I could just take a moment to not try and be funny: I'm very new to all this and would appreciate some critique on my work. I'm doing it for fun but at the same time trying to take the promotion of the site seriously so that when my style develops I can have an audience to see it! Which is what we all want really, so this is my cry for help to you all to help me develop my cry for help comic.

Dario's Cartoons