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Shattered Myth

Started by Cebronix, January 24, 2010, 08:55:48 PM

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Hey all. Please check out my strip at  It's a longform story in quick-hit 4 panel format. I'm sitting at 150 strips or so and I think I'm getting better. It only switched to color after strip #100 but I'm been slowly going back and coloring the rest. Give me some feedback if you would, I'm new to the webcomics community but loving the comradery and it's been a great ride so far.


The color really makes a difference. The comic is much more vibrant now. My main comic, Remedy is long form at 3 panels per. Do you find you have as much trouble as I do moving the story along at such small increments (yours is a panel longer I realize)?


It's incredibly hard. Some of them get dialog-heavy just trying to tell the story before the pop/joke/cliffhanger comes. I've also taken to squeezing more panels into the same space. I think my record is 7 or 8, but I have to draw so much smaller and the quality suffers. If I can get my speed up, I may bump it to a double size strip.


Quote from: Cebronix on January 25, 2010, 07:03:18 AM
If I can get my speed up, I may bump it to a double size strip.

Which creates site issues if your site isn't set up to scale to the size of the comic. Yeah, I've been there... am there. It's a tough spot but I've picked my format and I'm going to stick with it.  :-\


Yeah. I actually re-designed my site around ep. #100 because it didn't expand if I did a larger strip.