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Started by D.Z., February 09, 2010, 03:05:12 AM

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(Hm, this seems to be the modus operandi around here...)

Okay, hey all! I'm D.Z. (or "RedFox" in some circles), and I write a shapeshifting-themed comic/graphic novel called Panthera. A couple other guys help me out with art, colors, and design. We're still pretty young; about a year old now, and the story is still in its infancy, but it's going strong and improving regularly.

(I also have an old Sonic parody comic called Not For Resale, which updates fairly rarely these days. It's not my major project anymore, but it is where I got my start in webcomic collaborations.)

Anyways, this seemed like an excellent place to join up and chat about the sacrifices we all make to bring our opuses to life. Looks like a friendly crowd!

teh hchano

AWESOME. *whisper* you're awesome...*whisperwhisper* letmedieandbecomeawesomeinmysecondlifelikered.

- it's a comic, ya'll 8D


Welcome D.Z. A were-tiger thing kinda huh? Looks interesting. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for joining up.  ;)


Hi, D.Z.! Your comic sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out after I finish slogging through the archives of my current read.


Welcome to the fun, DZ!


Hi there.

I haven't read your main comic yet (not really in a story mood tonight), but I have to say the Sonic parody one is great.