
For Free, For Everyone, Forever.


Started by Miluette, January 31, 2010, 01:25:54 PM

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Hello, I am Sen. I spend more time reading comics than drawing my own. Or it feels that way, at least. Silly, huh?

I have recently recentralized my efforts on my drawn works, having made my comics a part of my business. I'm kicking myself into gear! Feel free to get a few kicks in yourself.

Nice to know ya!


Welcome Sen... Jessica right? Sen is your nickname or something? I assume it's short for Senshuu. What does it mean?

Your art is really great. I had absolutely no luck grasping a story at either or your comics though. But maybe it's just over my head. I'm kinda literal.

Welcome and enjoy.  ;)




Jessica's one of the best artists out there. She just doesn't update enough. :)


Your art is positively amazing. I need to go through Millennium when I get home from work!

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


lol Rob, most people think my comics are confusing, a few weren't confused at all... Of course, neither were supposed to be clear or literal in the beginning (because I got tired of that kind of comic opening XD). Millennium's will make more sense sooner though. :D LF evens out but it will always be a strange comic.

I made up the name "Senshuu" when I was 12, and it doesn't mean anything. Just a name.

Thaaank you everybody.


Hey there!  We met through the Webcomic Tarot project =D


Welcome, fellow new person! I love your artwork, I'm glad we exchanged watches on DA. : ) Let's hope this place is as cool as it seems.


Welcome!  Great art on both comics.


Much belated thanks for welcomes. \o/ Fact: I fail at introduction forums.