
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.


Started by Miluette, January 31, 2010, 01:25:54 PM

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Hello, I am Sen. I spend more time reading comics than drawing my own. Or it feels that way, at least. Silly, huh?

I have recently recentralized my efforts on my drawn works, having made my comics a part of my business. I'm kicking myself into gear! Feel free to get a few kicks in yourself.

Nice to know ya!


Welcome Sen... Jessica right? Sen is your nickname or something? I assume it's short for Senshuu. What does it mean?

Your art is really great. I had absolutely no luck grasping a story at either or your comics though. But maybe it's just over my head. I'm kinda literal.

Welcome and enjoy.  ;)




Jessica's one of the best artists out there. She just doesn't update enough. :)


Your art is positively amazing. I need to go through Millennium when I get home from work!

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


lol Rob, most people think my comics are confusing, a few weren't confused at all... Of course, neither were supposed to be clear or literal in the beginning (because I got tired of that kind of comic opening XD). Millennium's will make more sense sooner though. :D LF evens out but it will always be a strange comic.

I made up the name "Senshuu" when I was 12, and it doesn't mean anything. Just a name.

Thaaank you everybody.


Hey there!  We met through the Webcomic Tarot project =D


Welcome, fellow new person! I love your artwork, I'm glad we exchanged watches on DA. : ) Let's hope this place is as cool as it seems.


Welcome!  Great art on both comics.


Much belated thanks for welcomes. \o/ Fact: I fail at introduction forums.