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The standard intro...

Started by JasonF, January 08, 2010, 08:17:59 AM

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Just got the email invite, and thought I'd check things out.  Thanks   ;)

My name is Jason, and I'm a comic-a-holic.  No wait, that's a different forum...

My name is Jason, and I draw "Babe in the Woods", a comic about some park rangers in the Great Smoky Mountains, and their secret lives.  Strange things happen in those woods.

It's been running awhile, but I get to devote so little time to it, that I still feel like a newb.  Although it's improved greatly from it's start, there's still much room for improvement.  Lookin' forward to what 2010 has in store.   Don't go off the path... strange things happen in these woods.


Thanks for coming by man. And welcome.  ;)

I hope you enjoy and find useful what we are trying to build here.