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Promoting other webcomics

Started by JGray, February 12, 2010, 06:28:44 AM

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Is this the order in which they will appear? I'm anxious to see it up!


Yeah, is that the order of posting? And is it one-per-day (makes sense with 14 comics)? And where will links be? ^^

Thanks again for this opportunity. ^^


If that is the posting order, feel free to separate my two comics. :O For balance? I dunno.

Oh, you could link LF as, too.

Thanks for doing this!


In the interest of fairness, comics will be determined in random order as determined by the draw of a tarot card. I'll be using the Cups suit. They'll be assigned in the order I posted, so Ace will be the first comic, King the last.

I'm working on making it so the page links to the comic. The link will also be posted in the journal beneath. Your trailers will be the last ones on this old page style. A whole new page layout will debut with chapter 2 of Mysteries of the Arcana.


Hah, tarot cards! How appropriate.

Okay, thanks!!


Webcomic Trailers started today over at Mysteries of the Arcana.

For now, the links are located in the journal. JD, who wrote the CMS I use, explained how to change it so that the comic links directly to another site, but my mind got sucked out of my brain by my children. Sorry. :(

Here's the order stuff will be running in:

Space Pirates of the Black Quarter
Union of Heroes
Between Places
Captain Ahole
Blurred Lines
Sakana no Sadness
A Mad Tea Party
Walking the Lethe
Supermassive Black Hole A*


Do you need a banner for the journal?


So my trailer will be shown on April Fool's Day?  Hmmm, how I can use that, I wonder?


Quote from: Alectric on March 30, 2010, 01:05:15 AM
So my trailer will be shown on April Fool's Day?  Hmmm, how I can use that, I wonder?

MoTA involves universe-hopping, so it's ripe for (presumably non-canonical) crossover.


If you want one specifically for this, sure. Otherwise, I'll just grab your banner from here or your website. The trailer page now links directly to the comic it represents.


Oh, hey, excellent with the direct-link.

Changed my banner to use:

Thanks man. I think I'm done now. ^^


Did you remove the trailers from your archives?  I just wanna know so I don't keep a broken link on my site...


I did, yes. Everything not in the actual storyline was removed from my archives yesterday.


I always thought you were gonna put them in a different archive section. Though maybe you could end up doing that thing you told me about...


Give me time here, please. :)  I'm still working out bugs in the new layout.