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Hi there?

Started by Gabu, February 14, 2010, 01:42:34 AM

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Hi. I'm Gabu and I've been drawing comics since about 9 or so (though with about a 3 year break between 12 and 15). I'm currently enrolled in a community college and do comics for the school newspaper, though in all honesty just rip some comics I made for my website and just use them. I know, the site is crappy, and I'm in the process of not making it so (not knowing much html does that). I tried signing up on Comic Genesis, but it seems that crap came up and I'm unable to log onto SiteAdmin so I decided to use that handy-dandy website option from Comcast. I really want to be a cartoonist, but, to be fair, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do.

Regardless, I hope this forum helps me out a lot.  :D


Welcome Gabu.

It seems like you are at the very preliminary stages of becoming a webcomicker.

Might I suggest you pick up a book off of Amazon called "How To Make Webcomics." You can get it used for less than ten dollars and believe me when I tell you it is well worth every penny. I know in college money is usually pretty tight but trust me when I tell you, this is THE primer to becoming a webcomics creator and without a solid foundation you will be picking up little pieces of information here and that that will have you confounded and scrambling to keep up for years.

Get it. Read it. Almost everyone in webcomics will tell you it's a great place to start. (Oh and for disclosure purposes I want you to know I have absolutely nothing to do with the book other than the fact that I bought one myself when I started out).

In the mean time feel free to look around. If you have any questions I'm sure anyone here will help you out if they can. Thanks for joining.  ;)


Hi Gabu! Welcome to the forum!

You know, there ARE alternatives to ComicGenesis(I'm not fond of it myself, actually). Smackjeeves is easy to use and has some decent-looking templates. There's also DrunkDuck, although I've never actually used it myself. As well as a host of other ones.


Hi, Gabu - welcome to the fun and excitement =D  We're glad to have you aboard.  It's awesome that you're doing comics for your school paper - it's a solid start!