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Salt the Holly / But Not Really

Started by amanda, January 14, 2010, 12:30:27 PM

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Hello!  I write/draw Salt the Holly and write/photograph But Not Really.

Salt the Holly was my vehicle for teaching myself to draw, and I'm sure you'll notice the art at the beginning is a little... ouch.  In any case, the story follows a small group of people who get swept up into a rivalry between two clans (a little like being in the middle of a mob dispute).  The world is slightly different than our own but modern and similar enough not to cause many issues.  I'd call it PG-13 for cartoon violence ^.^

But Not Really is more of a gag-a-day style.  I think there's something for everyone.  I have a really fun group of friends who are willing to act and be ridiculous in public, so that makes it fun.

Hope you enjoy one or both - feedback/critique is always appreciated.


Welcome to the site amanda. The jokes for But Not Really are quite a amusing. You are really tapping into the whole young people running around acting like maniacs vibe. It's got a really good feel to it.

I do see the massive art improvement with Salt the Holly. Nice job. My art will improve the moment I stop making it.


Anyway, welcome again. I hope you like it here.  ;)


People are generally so anti-photo comic, but I think you've done a nice job with the look of it (particularly the baloon strip). The whole thing has kind of a "cute" feel. I like that you're experimenting with animation and different means of bringing the comic across.

You can tell that both you and your friends (or profesionally paid models...) are having a lot of fun with it, and I think that will be the most important thing in continuing the quality of the comic.
Baseball webcomics updating every M/W/F since Apr 09!


Good job on both comics! The latest But Not Really is very funny.



Thank you guys =D

I'm not paying or bribing people to be in BNR - they're willing volunteers - and we always have an absolute blast.


Somehow, I read the first 50 BNRs (really?) without realizing I'd read that many. I larfed!


Ah haha, yes!  They're bite-sized, so they have the same danger as Pringles and such.