
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

Mused Morrigan the Mad

Started by Morrigan, March 25, 2010, 04:04:25 PM

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Well I'm new to the Comic world. I've read comics. I particularly like Dreamland Chronicles and Goblins. I'm not a DnDer and I'm actually a N0ob at just about every game I play. I am a little geeky, I have a bachelors in network technology and I understand geeky things.

I'll be updating my comic today *haven't yet* as I update on Thursdays.

More about me I guess?

I'm 25 and a half. I am a divorced mother of 2. I'm an ex-WoW addict. I'm 6'2" tall, I like long walks on the beach, candle-li.... Wait? Wrong type of forum right? I don't know. If you want to know something about me just ask and I should be happy to answer.




Hey Morrigan!

I have a character whose last name is Morrigan in my comic.

Welcome Queen of War and Death. Please don't turn into a crow while I'm around 'cause that sort of thing really freaks me out.  ;D

I hope you and your mad spork like it here.  ;D


Welcome to the forums. Enjoy! Share! Make fun of ardvarks!


Aardvarks!? Really! I'm allowed! This place is heaven already!

As for shifting into crows and things I'm pretty good about staying in one shape unless upset. Though when I do shift I do not promise to not pull hair.

I will post things. Right after I finish today's comic. I'm about 1/3 of the way done with it. ^_^

EDIT: And now it's posted so I can enjoy your guys' company. ^_^

Dragon Powered

Hey there Morrigan!  Wellllllllcome!

May the spork be with you. Power to the sporks!
and other assorted silliness.
But seriously... *hugs*


Welcome to the fun and excitement that is WC ^.^


Thank you all so far for the warm welcomes. It is lovely to get. ^_^ It's wonderful to meet you all.