
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

Hello, The Future Webcomics Concert

Started by Rob, July 19, 2010, 03:18:31 PM

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I'm not saying it was a good idea. One of those weird, extended conceits that kind of gets out of hand. I picked the prof. farnsworth avatar just on a whim and then suddenly when I post here I start hearing all my posts read in his voice. Kind of like a song stuck in your head. When I saw Funderbunk's Red Foreman post, I immediately thought "WWTPD?" What Would The Professor Do?

My first thought was a steady image of the eyePhone picture then a fast, subliminal cut of hypnotoad. Then I thought "WWTPSU?" What Would The Professor Screw Up? So I went with a clumsy attempt at subliminals done by someone who so wants to sell his product that he gives the subliminal image equal time with the image you wanted to see.

You know what the SADDEST part of this whole thing is? I really did think it through to that level.

So, Gar, I accept your kudos for successfully making the worst animated GIF I could possibly make.  ;D


You get a single additional kudo for rationalising it after the fact in a manner that makes sense  ;D
