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Started by Rob, August 06, 2010, 10:38:23 PM

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You may have noticed we are testing the chat. It's not quite done yet as the Chadm1n the great and terrible is still tweaking but if you want to play with it feel free to click on the "Recent Chats" link in the above right box and you will be swept away to the magical land of chattifying.

Chattifying is not a word.

That is all.  ;D


Hey CC - I totally agree and appreciate the feedback! As planned, I've added a "Chat!" graphic - but I still think it needs tweaking... Maybe "Click to Chat!" or something. I am open to suggestions - and submissions, if anyone is feeling compelled to create graphics (I generally suck at artwork). :-)

I am also working on a resolution to the color code issue. I think I figured out a simple solution last night and will be tinkering with that periodically throughout the day. Most of the work will be done on the DEV forum prior to installing here in an effort to avoid breaking the forums (I guess maybe I do *some* BETA testing...).

Thanks again for your help and thoughts last night - ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS appreciated!!!



I fixed the text color issue and put a graphic in place. Still not great, but better...

Note to all: The chat room is available and open to all registered forum members (must be logged in to chat). You do not need to have special permission or any specific purpose to participate. Just log into the forums, click the Chat! button, and chat!
