
Want to get your Webcomic Site reviewed by a professional? Volunteer your site for review in this thread!


Started by D-Ballz, September 15, 2010, 12:34:00 PM

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Okay, so I just started with my first webcomic, with the indispensible help of my friend Jenny, who does the art. Admittedly, this first page is not the best representation of the art to come, because the very next page is better, but shorter. Either way, I feel very happy with the art yet to come, and although we don't yet have a permanent top banner, or a number of other things, we have only just started.

So although not everything is yet up to scratch, the comic is on the go, and we will be updating on Mondays and Fridays. If anyone has any advice they would like to give, please, go ahead. I'm still trying to get my head around how to make the site itself look good, as well as being functional.

A brief explanation of what it's about, well... Wonderland is a twisted fantasy with comedic elements. The story mixes together Alice In Wonderland with Little Red Riding Hood and a whole host of other things, fairy tales and folk tales, as well as a fair few original ideas.

So thanks for taking a look, and if you wish, let me know what you think.


Congrats on getting started.

You already know about your site issues so I'll save that but I am wondering why the comic doesn't display when I go to the site. Is there a reason you have to click through to see the comic? Usually, unless you have adult content of some kind that's not a good way to do thing. Usually.

I would say that picking up a book like "How To Make Webcomics" or maybe Dennis O'Neil's "The DC Comics Guide To Writing Comics" might not be a bad idea because you guys need a little work in the speech balloon placement department.

Also, if you ever have any intention of printing your comics you have a lot to learn and not much time to do it in. You might want to peruse our past articles as well as definitely pick up How To Make Webcomics. Because if you don't know anything about print... after you have enough content to make a book is a LOUSY time to learn.

Good luck.  ;)


Thanks for the advice. I must admit, this first page was made a year ago, and the next page was made much more recently, and as such, a lot has been improved. I will definately see what I can do about showing the latest comic on the first page, although the main reason I decided to do that would be to prevent spoilers for new readers, because the story will be quite twisty in places. However, if it is generally ill-advised to do this, then I will change it.

I just figured the "latest update" thing would've been fine, but evidently not. Also, I will definately see if I can find the books you reccommend.

EDIT: And now I have changed the front page.

Is that better?

Also, just in case you picked up on site issues that I didn't, feel free to comment on any issues you find. I'll be sure to work on them ASAP.


The image cuts off part way for me. 


Is this cut-off just a little tiny bit at the bottom?

If so, well, that's a mix of a bad page layout and a dodgy scanner. I'll be honest about that.

But future pages do not have this problem, so rest assured that it won't happen again.