
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

Monday, Thursday Chat and Archive

Started by Rob, November 08, 2010, 04:49:40 PM

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Hey all,

Obviously there is no Monday article. Kurt needed the week off and I was happy to give it to him. He's been doing some amazing work for us and has more than earned it. This week I'll be working on an interview with "The Fabler" that's been on a slow cook burner for a very long time. Hopefully polishing up the questions and getting them out to the staff there. So hopefully we'll have that interview to look forward to in the near future. This coming Friday though I'm going to try and give you all another Webcomics 2.0 article to discuss. Topic suggestions are welcome but most likely I'll pull out a long diatribe on something that's been bugging me.

Most likely Kurt will have something new and exciting for us next Monday.

Don't forget this coming Thursday, November 11th at 7pm EST we'll be giving the community chat another go. I'll be sitting int he chat room for at least an hour. I was reminded today that Thursday is Veteran's Day. So do take a moment to give a thought to us poor beleaguered servants of society (unless of course you aren't from the U.S. in which case you can feel free to think of your own countries' veterans or just go on about your business at your discretion). Regardless of the holiday this veteran will be in the chat room on time.

Lastly you may have noticed a new link at the top of the page. For awhile now people have been telling me that we needed some sort of archive link for all the front page articles and now we have one. Courtesy of the nigh omnipotent Chadm1n as usual. It's a work in progress and any comments on it are welcome. But I think it goes a long way in saying that this Archive button, which leads to links to our old front page articles that are permanently stored in the "discuss feature articles" board on the forums, is better than no archive link whatsoever. It should serve newcomers and old pro's well in a cursory glance at what our old articles have to offer. As always though, the "Search" function is also an excellent resource for finding what you are looking for here on the site.

Hopefully I'll see some of you on Thursday.  Have a great week. ;)