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Sister Claire! Pregnant Nun, Holy Crap (also, Lady Gaga)

Started by Yamino, April 08, 2010, 03:22:08 AM

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I didn't realize I had forgotten to pimp myself here! That's me, Miss Fashionably Late. xD

Sister Claire is a novice nun, and all she ever wanted was to have a purpose. But when a beautiful blue businesswoman explodes out her toilet and tells her she's pregnant with the new Messiah, Claire realizes she may be in for more than she bargained for: a kaleidoscopic adventure to protect her miraculous baby (and possibly the universe.)

(click to go to the first page!)
Also, while I'm doing the pimping thing- please consider buying my Lady Gaga endorsed Telephone poster at Topatoco.  If it sells well, they'll consider selling some Sister Claire merch. =)


The tag line in the ad copy at Topatoco is hilarious. I hope this works out for you. Congrats.


I've just got to say that I love Sister Claire. I saw or heard quite a few references to it before I checked it out, but I'm really glad I did.
It's fantastic.


I read Sister Claire for a while and sort of fell out of the story.  I love your artwork though, your style is great.  That's awesome you got some well-deserved feedback from her Gaga-Highness.


Can't say I have any interest in these pop stars' music, but A+++ to Gaga for going out of her way to promote you!! And it is quite a nice poster.

Sister Claire, on the other hand, I am thoroughly sucked into. :-)


Thanks, guys! <3

This is a bad time to be pimping my comic, I'm afraid the next page might be late because of this sudden trip I had to make to Italy with my dad.  My aunt is probably not going to live through the week (she's been suffering from cancer on top of several long-term health issues) and I didn't want him to make the long drive alone.

Although I've had a lot of missed deadlines with Sister Claire in the past, I'm sure my readers will understand. =(  I never miss an update without a good reason, but this is probably the most dramatic.

...kitties! Rainbows! Happy thoughts!


For her holiness she carries a holy baby and she protects it. It is like the story when Jesus Christ was in the womb of Virgin Mary. I love the story because of the moral it gives to the readers.
