
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

O Hay Thar

Started by Yamino, January 10, 2010, 10:01:49 AM

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Hey guys!  Yamino of Sister Claire here. =)  Nice to see a webcomics forum up, it's been lonely since the forums went down!


Hey Yamino,

I really like your drawings. What do you ink with?

Welcome aboard!


Yamino and I launched around the same time last year and we were both fairly active on the forum at that time as well. So it's great to see her/you here.

And we would be hard pressed to find someone who has had a more successful first year. Her comic has taken off like a rocket. Her fan base is rabid. And her comic is amazing.

Even throughout the difficulties you've had with your hand your fans have remained supportive while ravenous for any more content you can give.

I would be lying if I said I haven't been watching throughout the year with a large amount of jealousy. But you have earned your accolades. Your art and story are top notch.

Welcome. And thanks for coming.  ;)

Garrett Williams

It's cool seeing somebody I'm already familiar with here! Now to figure out who all these other folks are :)


Hiya Yamino! Glad to have you here! I'm hoping we can all make this forum very active, like the old


Yamino just had a cataclysmic computer 'splosion so send some good thoughts her way. She's looking for a Mac store in Brussels if anyone knows of one.  :-\


its kinda funny, I just started reading this comic bout a week or two ago cause a friend suggested it.  I like it a lot and it's a very original concept lol.  Keep up the good work on it.

Also in reply to getting a mac, Yay haha.  Sorry, I'm a mac junkie :P

Read One Too Many if you want to live!


Oh... did I not mention that it was her Mac that 'sploded? LOL. Yeah... that's the main reason she's looking for her a Mac store. I may not be a fan of Mac but it's on'y because of the limitation in available programs and ability to upgrade. I don't hesitate to agree that the tech is top notch and in many ways superior to PC.

And don't both trying to get me to believe that all the software is available or can be used through running windows on the Mac because you know in your heart of hearts mac-ies that it just isn't true... yet.  ;)


lol its cool.  All computers have their probs.  My hard drive failed on my mac and my PC.  I'm not worried bout software limitations.  The ones I need I already have.  And I refuse to run windows on mac.  That just isn't right sir! haha

Read One Too Many if you want to live!


Quote from: Rob on January 11, 2010, 01:35:34 AM
Oh... did I not mention that it was her Mac that 'sploded? LOL. Yeah... that's the main reason she's looking for her a Mac store. I may not be a fan of Mac but it's on'y because of the limitation in available programs and ability to upgrade. I don't hesitate to agree that the tech is top notch and in many ways superior to PC.

And don't both trying to get me to believe that all the software is available or can be used through running windows on the Mac because you know in your heart of hearts mac-ies that it just isn't true... yet.  ;)

I'm not a big fan of macs, either. I mean, the way they build their notebooks is pretty impressive, with the lightness and the crazy battery life(and the screen oh god the pretty screen) and all, but the one I got heated up to like 135+ degrees over my delicates, so I had to use it on a desk. That and the price to power ratio was just kind of... meh.

Also I love this comic, the art is great and it's funny and trippy.

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


Yamino is going to return to this thread with mac hate/praise and comic love haha.

Read One Too Many if you want to live!


Sister Claire is great, but geez! That's a big sig image!  :o


Quote from: Vegarin on January 11, 2010, 12:45:00 AM
its kinda funny, I just started reading this comic bout a week or two ago cause a friend suggested it.  I like it a lot and it's a very original concept lol.  Keep up the good work on it.

Also in reply to getting a mac, Yay haha.  Sorry, I'm a mac junkie :P

I can tell I'm going to have problems with you  ;)



Hi again everyone, and sorry for the long absence immediately after introducing myself.  As was previously mentioned, my computer had some technical issues, but I am now writing from it once more, good as new!

As for Macs VS PCs...  All I will say is that after going though 3 PC laptops and then switching to Mac, I ain't going back.  Not even after this most recent issue, because I've had similar problems with PCs that ended up costing 800+ dollars.  Guess how much I had to pay to get my Mac fixed?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. XD  Thank you, Applecare warranty.  Also, Macs come with all sorts of tools for artists already included!  Garageband is probably my favorite program (after my Adobe Suite, but I had to pay for those of course!)  There's just absolutely nothing like it for PC.  Thanks to this program, I got the courage to record some songs and post them online, and all of a sudden now I'm in a band! :D

BUT ANYWAY.  This is a comics forum, not a rockband forum. XD

To answer your question, KidGalactus, I "ink" digitally with the vector brush tool in Illustrator.  It's a technique I discovered and refined right when I started this comic, because I needed something that would allow for perfectly clean lineart.  If you'd like to see a tutorial on my whole drawing process, I've posted one here:

I should probably post that elsewhere on this forum, too.  But first, I need to finish coloring this extremely belated page!! XD;  See you guys around!


Why choose PC or Mac? Take the right path and go with Linux!