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Started by 3XLT, February 02, 2010, 01:28:43 PM

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Hi everyone!

I just came across this site and thought I'd join up.

I'm a comic book fan and creator, but I'm new to the whole webcomic thing. I decided to start out with a superhero comic called Tales of the Big City.

My interests revolve around things like video games, scifi/fantasy, archeology and mythology but my main geek addiction is comic books.

Many thanks to the people who run this site, it looks like a great place to learn and talk about webcomics!


Welcome to the site... mystery person....3X.

You penciling is wonderful. Very much looks like comic book stuff. Very detailed.

I logged into your profile and fixed your signature so it links to your site properly. For some reason folks keep adding quotes and extra http:// instances to the point I'm starting to wonder if it's a bug on the forum. I'll have to look into that.

Anyway, welcome again.  ;)


Rob, I'd wager people keep adding quotes to their links out of an HTML preference.  I always have to double check when I'm posting stuff in this forum =D

Welcome to the fun, 3X - please help yourself to the tea and crumpets in the corner.


I think I detect some most excellent Kirby influence...

Dr. BlkKnight

Really nice looking art, indeed. Welcome to the site!


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Nice work! I definitely see the Kirby influence as well.   Welcome!


Nice to meet you all!

Rob: Thanks for fixing my signature!  I copy and pasted my sig from a different forum, and I think the format was slightly different.

Thanks to everyone for the comments on my art! I tried out the "Kirby" style for scenes from the past. Upcoming scenes that take place in the present will hopefully read differently.


Welcome! Ooh, what region of mythology is your favorite? I like Greeco-Roman best, but Celtic and Japanese aren't far behind.


raerae: Greco-Roman is probably my favorite too. I'm really interested Norse and Egyptian mythology as well. I've recently started reading more about Gilgamesh.


Quote from: 3XLT on February 03, 2010, 06:51:21 AM
raerae: Greco-Roman is probably my favorite too. I'm really interested Norse and Egyptian mythology as well. I've recently started reading more about Gilgamesh.

Ooh, I love Mesopotamian mythology. Especially because you can see the stories repeating themselves all throughout the world in the thousands of years that follow.

I also love Norse mythology. It's just about the only European pagan culture that's really been decently preserved. I'd like to learn more Celtic and Slavic mythology some day, but outside influences did a pretty good job of stomping them out =(

Have you done any field archeology? I've always wanted to do that...

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


I really like Norse mythology. I still have most of the runes memorized. Egyptian I'm not familiar with but what I've read is certainly interesting. I also want to get to reading more Native American and Hawaiian myths, and Hindu ones as well.


Ooh, I love Mesopotamian mythology. Especially because you can see the stories repeating themselves all throughout the world in the thousands of years that follow.

I also love Norse mythology. It's just about the only European pagan culture that's really been decently preserved. I'd like to learn more Celtic and Slavic mythology some day, but outside influences did a pretty good job of stomping them out =(

Have you done any field archeology? I've always wanted to do that...

You definitely can see that stories were handed down from that era. The flood story in Gilgamesh parallel Noah's story pretty well.

I'm more of an armchair archeologist ;D. I've never studied it formally, but I love to read books and watch documentaries about ancient cultures. I've been lucky enough to see some great exhibits in museums too but I'd love to see some places like Machu Pichu, Petra, Stone Henge or any number of Greek, Roman and Egyptian sites in person. I'd also love to see things like the Rosetta stone and the Dead Sea Scrolls up close.


Quote from: raerae on February 03, 2010, 03:40:32 PM
I really like Norse mythology. I still have most of the runes memorized. Egyptian I'm not familiar with but what I've read is certainly interesting. I also want to get to reading more Native American and Hawaiian myths, and Hindu ones as well.

I've got books on Native American and Oceanic myths that I haven't gotten a chance to read yet, I can't wait to crack them open ;D. I was lucky enough to have a Hindu friend who would have conversations about the religion with me. It was very interesting getting their perspective on it. It's such a fascinating and rich religion with great stories.


I don't know if you have ever read Sting's Autobiography "Broken Music" but it has a great story in there about Stewart Copeland's father (Miles Copeland who was a CIA agent for over thirty years; actually Stewart Copelands mother was an archeologist so that kinda makes the story even better) and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

It's pretty funny and the book as a whole is a great read... although not much related to the subject at hand with this one exception.  ;)