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Hey I am Alice Quinn Creator of TdotComics

Started by AliceQuinn, January 08, 2010, 11:52:04 PM

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Hello Everyone I am Alice Quinn
I have created TdotComics, which isn't a webcomic (sorry folks) but it is an Online Toronto Comics Community!
My goal for TdotComics is to make a place where writers, artists, & stores gather online to discuss Comics, Art, Manga, Webcomics, & Comics culture at large, as well as share art, post events, & blogs
once I get TdotComics more into the mainstream Comics Culture of Toronto It will be a place where Webcomic creators like you can reach your audience effectively, as well as planning & broadcasting events, post & advertise your latest webcomic or blog, & chat with others in the industry

TdotComics is growing, like a budding flower, i am feeding it by designing a new ad Campaign which includes:
1) getting more followers on twitter & informing them of new additions to the site
2) Creating a Facebook fan page & updating it regularly (in Progress)
3) launching a new postcard that will be seen in restaurants, stores, & cinemas in downtown Toronto (they have places where stuff like this should go) as well i will hand it out at conventions

i have started uping my number twitter followers which is the first phase of this campaign I started on Wednesday & i already have 3 new members to the site who have been active in discussions

at this point you guys are like k wtf does this have to do with me? I just want to let you know what i have done so far & how i has helped maybe you can use similar strategies to increase your readership,
( for example one could be joining & posting your webcomic on TdotComics :P )

but yea that is all about my venture, it all started out with my unwavering love for comics & no outlet for it. I love comics but i have no patience to draw, & don't have the will to write, but i like talking about comics - i could run a store!
TdotComics flowered out of that notion, hopefully eventually it will become a comic book store too.

any questions about me or comments bout what i have written, I am eager to know your opinion!

- Alice nniuQ


Welcome to the club Alice. Know what would be a GREAT business move? sending all your members over here. ;D I Kid.

Glad to have you on board!


Thanks for joining up Alice. I know we have some Canadian members already. Who knows, maybe someone in your area.

If TDot ever does become a store I'm sure some of us would love to get some indie comics on your shelves.

Stay tuned.  ;)


Hey Alice,

Fellow Torontonian here. Sounds like an interesting project! I'm not a Twitter user, so I hope you'll post more news here as TdotComics grows.



QuoteWelcome to the club Alice. Know what would be a GREAT business move? sending all your members over here.  I Kid.

He's not kidding.

Do it