Who needs sleep? (cause you're never gonna get it!)

Started by SleepyKiks, February 13, 2010, 09:43:14 PM

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Hello, my name is Kiks (pronounced Keeks not Kicks despite popular assumption.) I like to post in orange text. Now . . . Where do I begin?

I'll start at the webcomic stuff. Last decade there was a site called yoUaReDRAWING! This wonderful site would mark the long winding road that is webcomics for myself and a good number of others. It was a wonderous place where you got to create studios and comic circles, get feed back and motivation to draw comics till your heart was content with easy uploading features. We were a very tight knit community till the site decided it was getting to old and we got the boot. A lot of us went our seperate ways but some of us still stayed a happy tight knit group and being the leader of my own studio I partnered with some good friends from two other studios to make Dreams in Lavender, our own little off-shot  of the URD. There were other off-shots as well like the battle royal and MCN which I also joined but didn't stay long with. The same passion we had at URD was gone and I was rather happy to stay with my good friends.
URD era webcomic here
DiL era webcomic here (this comic was actually over 100 pages. This is how ever the only amount we got edited and prepared for main viewing. Sad eh?)

DiL eventually died as well as myself and my co admin found love and started university/college. During this down time I studied graphic design, and web design. Fast forward to about this time last year. My boyfriend and I are looking at video games we come up with an idea for a game we'd like to make. Several days of designing later we have our character and story but are stuck. Where to now?
With my boyfriends writing and my artwork we turned Samurai Princess into a web comic. This is the first comic I've done that I am actually taking seriously as it isn't just some random project with friends but a story my boyfriend really wants to get across and something a lot of people in my life are supporting to no end.

So yeah, that's my webcomic life in a nutshell. The rest of my life is boring. :P

You can see the beast that is consuming my life here. Samurai Princess


Welcome to the site Kiks. Your orange text on this gray background makes my spleen want to explode through my eyes. LOL. But far be it from me to tell a fellow Barenaked Ladies fan that she can't type in the color she wants.

If the moderators get a lot of complaints we may have to ask you to change your habit though. Nothing personal.

I'm having a bit of trouble with your site. Every page load takes about thirty seconds. I feel like I'm back in 1995 using my 14.4 baud modem.

Your art style, what I've seen of it is very cute. It's like those little Gameboy Advance games or something.

As I said, welcome to the party. If you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask. Us BNL fans gotta stick together.  ;)


Very cute style, Kiks =D  I agree that the orange on the light grey is a leeeettle bit hard to read, BUT I'm with Rob - as long as others don't complain, should be alright.  I trust you to make a sound judgment if it becomes an issue. ^.~

I doubt the rest of your life is boring.  Artists are never boring, regardless of their medium.


If the orange is such a bad fit for the sight, why is it an option?  Why isn't there a more suitable shade of orange available?


Or we could just not colour our text at all. Just a thought.  :-\

Welcome to the site.


Sorry, no more orange text then.
Thank you for the welcomes. I look forward to getting to know everyone through the exciting adventure that is working with webcomics.  And yes, BNL is awesome. No playlist is complete without them.


Welcome, Kiks!

Bummer on the death of orange... I kinda liked it! (Must have something to do with my fascination with pumpkins.) I think you may have caved on your color choice too easily. :)

This site is about art and expression.

Express yourself!



I keep forgetting I made an account here -.-

I will now make it my duty to be more active. So consider this my re introduction.