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About me and saying hello

Started by GaborBoth, January 12, 2010, 02:14:14 PM

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Hi, I'm a 17 year old student from Hungary. My name is Gábor Both and I study art and stained-glass in high school. My dream is to make a living from webcomics and/or illustrate children's books. This was my dream since age 9. I hope I can add a lot to the discussions going around here.
My deviantart is here, though there isn't much uploaded yet:
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."


Hi, and welcome. You've got some really nice art work. Great style.


Welcome Gabor.

I like your cavelryman portrait. Man's got a jaw on him.

Hopefully you will find some useful information here to get yourself launched with a comic.


Thanks for the positive feedback!
Yes, I hope this will fill up the space left in my soul (Overdramatization off  ;D )
I will start my comic after I graduate, so I can get really good at drawing and writing in the meantime and drawing comics won't interfere with my studies (Me wanting to draw ALL the time interferes enough already...)
I'll try and be a helpful part of this community!
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."


I'm kinda back after not checking back on the site for a while - The reason behind my disappearance was WORK. I won an art contest and I got hired as character designer for an upcoming MMOG project for quite nice pay, and now I have a so called "work-laptop" and everything.  :D
So I thought I'd check back, make an update that I didn't disappear completely, and *cough*(brag)*cough* share the good news around. I'll try to come back and add to the conversations and stuff.
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."



You know what would be cool? A MMORPG based on the Smurfs. And by cool, I mean not at all cool unless you were stoned or a young girl, in which cases it would be new universes of awesome.


The smurfs had kind of a cool and well-developed fantasy world in the comics, and there were some pretty fun smurfs games on the SNES.

I don't think I'd play a smurfs MMOG though. Getting stoned is nice, but I don't think I could put up with all the damn kids playing. Still, it'd definitely be marketable.

Also congrats on the new job Gabor!


What wonderful news, Gabor - great job!


Congratulations Gábor.
That's great news.

...and Smurfs are awesome.


Thanks everyone!

If not MMOG, at least a game would be nice. Smurfs really had a nice fantasy world. I remember playing the DOS game in co-op mode :P
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."