[Last Res0rt] Let's do this right, now shall we?

Started by lastres0rt, May 08, 2010, 09:16:55 PM

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I'm Rachel Keslensky (or Jigsaw Forte, if you'd rather), and I draw the weekly comic Last Res0rt!

I've been at it since 2007... I started the comic while in college at Georgia Tech, and have been working on it ever since! I've just finished putting together the first volume, which is no small feat...

So, hello!


I do believe some members of my gaming group went to Georgia Tech, many a year ago.

Your art is lovely and I have bid on your ad space with my "furry" ad. I hope it drives up your PW prices for a day.

Chris McQ


Nice to meet you and welcome to the site.

I'm sure many of us who haven't yet created our first book would love to hear about your experience getting your first volume out. Once you have book in hand I'd really like to hear a start to finish account.

Once again, welcome and well met.  ;)


