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Jeph Jacques answers the question "Should I buy a Wacom Tablet?"

Started by Rob, June 07, 2010, 09:13:32 PM

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How do you make your wife laugh hysterically despite the fact she's suffering through the last month of her pregnancy in the sweltering South Texas heat?

Tell her you want that $2000 Cintiq for Father's day! :)

Tell you the truth...I think she's still laughing.



I'm working on a Cintiq 12WX right now after not having worked with a tablet for a while and drawing almost exclusively on paper, and I am reminded how right he is when he says "It's like ice-skating on glass". That's exactly what it feels like.

The thing that bothers me most about Cintiq Tablets though, is the fact that there's a distance, a tiny one, but still a distance between the touch screen and the display screen. It's like you're drawing about a millimeter ABOVE where the lines actually appear, and that just feels so odd.
I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!