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Hiya all - Kate from CyberGen 2027

Started by Kate, July 29, 2010, 09:25:38 AM

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Hey everyone,

It's awesome to see a community for webcomics. Mine is a dark future sci-fi adventure set in corporate controlled America based on the tabletop roleplaying game: CyberGeneration. The CyberPunks fought the man... and lost. This is the next generation.

I met Rob at Connecticon and moseyed on over here after reading his convention report.

I'm a writer while my wife is an artist for our comic (others may be helping out as we go forward), and I'm looking forward to seeing more of what you all do, and hopefully you'll like a bit of what I do. Peace to all.



whoops, accidentally deleted my last post trying to modify it  :-[

Gotta ask...dude named Kate, or lady from somewhere gay marriage is legal?


The latter. Though even without the legal part, people who live in states which don't recognize it can at least have ceremonies and make the commitment without the government's consent. ^_^


i remember seeing your booth at ctcon. i didn't know you were part of here so i probably didn't say much other than hi

i'm such a jerk lol


Ah haha, that's all right. I just joined today, actually.  ;D


Cool  :) My brother's been with his boyfriend for about ten years now, and they've been doing a lot of campaigning for marriage equality rights here in Ireland.

There was a civil partnership bill passed here recently, but the civil partnership doesn't give all the legal rights associated with marriage. Adoption rights are the big sticking point, but there's a bunch of tax and recognition-as-next-of-kin BS as well. Still: it's a start.

Had a quick look at your comic (just the front page because I'm in work and don't want to get caught looking at comics), looks good. I would never have spotted the fingerpainting if you hadn't pointed it out  ;)


Welcome Kate. I hope you decide to stick around. I'd love a con report from Intervention if you have the time to write one (and I don't mean the happy face we put on for our fans but the REAL DEAL like my CTCon one if you know what I mean...LOL).

Here five minutes and I'm already trying to put you to work right?

What can I say... a community organizers work is never done. Which is why he tries and pawns as much of it as he can off on others.  ;D

Dragon Powered

Hey there Kate, welcome to the menagerie.


@Gar - Much luck to your brother and his boyfriend. We're all getting there - slowly but surely.

Thanks! I hope you enjoy the comic if you decide to check out more of it. ^_^

@Rob - Ah haha. That's okay, you're not going to be at Intervention then, I take it? I'd be happy to write up my impressions of it. I'm trying not to get my expectations up too high, but it does look like it should be, at least premise-wise, a lot better of a con for webcomics than Connecticon was.

@Dragon - Thanks! ^^


Welcome! I'm an R.T. fan myself, though my favorite's always been Castle Falkenstein.


I've never played Castle Falkenstein, though now I am curious. Have you ever tried CyberGeneration?

I checked out your comic, btw. Nice. ^^ I've been dabbling in tarot for twelve or so years, and I still don't feel like I really know what I'm doing. But at least I get the significance of the cards ^_^


First, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed Mysteries of the Arcana.

I own Cybergeneration (one of the first set of copies to come out, in fact) but have never had an opportunity to play. I own quite a few RPGs I've never actually played. There's just not enough time in the universe.