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Project Wonderful

Started by NoahRodenbeek, March 30, 2011, 10:25:20 AM

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It's Wednesday, March 30, 930 am and Project Wonderful is down.  Is anyone else seeing this/know what's going on?


Thus ends the great Project Wonderful crash of 2011. Fortunately, fatalities have been few.

Seeing as PW has come up in conversation: Now's as good a time as any to design some new ads. Who's up for an ad design round table?

Do up some designs for new ads (any size will do) and post them in this thread, then we can all discuss how to make the ads better! :)


good call!  I've been meaning to muster up motivation for that exact project for months now.


A design round table? I'm totally up for that.


That would be cool. Just a general rule of thumb, in my experience animated ads seem to get more clicks than static ones.


OK, let's set a deadline on this thing so we get ads done. How about next Friday (April 15th)?


Just as a thought, maybe we should post our old ads and get some feedback on the things that would make them better before we do our new ones? I mean, I don't know about you guys, but when I'm redesigning stuff, I like to know what's not working about the old ones so I can fix them in the new ones. If some of them are really working, I'd like to keep those elements.

What do you guys think?


Shouldn't viewing the old ones be part of the roundtable as a sort of "old buisness"? It's a good idea at any rate.