
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

Upcoming Schedule

Started by Rob, October 05, 2010, 10:52:16 PM

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As you can see the "Webcomics Spotlight" is back in action with a very long and comprehensive interview with DJ Coffman.

Because I'm attending NY Comic Con this weekend and because the article got put up late we're going to skip Friday's update.

We'll be back on Monday with the next installment of Kurt Hathaway's Scripting series.

The following Friday you can expect an interview with Blue of Hello, The Future.

Amanda also has an interview for us that will be published shortly after that and I will have a con report for New York Comic Con somewhere in that mix.

I'm also going to designate a chat night for us to all get together and blah on the site chat so we can all stop popping in randomly and find no one there.

Enjoy the update and I'll talk to you soon.  ;)

Dr. BlkKnight

Designated chat night sounds like a good thing.


Yeah I think so.

The next part of Kurt's article will be up later Monday. NY Comic Con is over and I am completely wiped out.