
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

dArt group

Started by GaborBoth, January 13, 2010, 02:03:43 PM

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As I see lot of us have deviantart accounts, how about we make a group or a club there showing we are readers of the site? It'd help keep contact with other members and it'd also help to promote this site.
What do you think?
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."


That isn't a bad idea:

Send me a message on dA: (some of my work is NSFW, just as a warning.)


Id join there's not a lot there but I am getting things up as soon as I can.
Normal people... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
Scott Adams


I'd join! Shoot me a note when you set it up, my account is here!


I'll hop on, although the art at my dA account is not related to my comic.


I'm in favor of this, and you can find my account here

A facebook group, twitter channel, and wave would also be good. I'd make the facebook account, but I'm too lazy to have even made one for my own comic yet.

Please don't feed the ancient deities.


Yes. If anyone here would like to serve as an ambassador to the Devaintart community I would appreciate it. My account name there is quikthnkr.

I've been meaning to get over there and announce our presence. But alas, there are so many hours in a day and I'm burning the candle at 8 ends right now as it is.

Anything you other deviants can do to organize the movement over there would be appreciated.  ;)


I'm glad there are people who'd like to join. I just proposed the idea, though, I don't think I'm the man to create and manage it. Anyone?
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."


I'd join:

I'd offer to create the group, but don't you have to have a paid account to do this?


It seems free but there is some submission process that you have to got through and get approved before the group gets made.

I submitted the group Webcomics-Community for creation. Awaiting approval.


The group was approved and it is kinda set up.

To be honest I'm not sure what to do in there so I made Trevor (TakaComics) a co-founder and I made all of you contributors which sounded higher up the food chain than members.

I've invited everyone who put their DA ID in this thread.

Gabor since it was your idea I'm saddened not to see your DA account name here. If I can find it elsewhere I'll send you an invite. Otherwise you guys can find the group page here.

Feel free to do whatever with this. From what I can see it looks like Ran is the most well known DA member in this thread so perhaps she knows how to get things moving with a DA group.

Ran if you want me to make you a CO-Founder of the group so you can take matters more in hand just say the word (and tell me how) and I'll make it happen.

Thanks everyone for the great idea.


My dArt name was in my introduction topic, here it is:
I should put it in my sig..
So anyway, we could make a kickass logo, post the upcoming GUNBABY comics, and promote our stuff like Reddit, I hope it will get us more people here.

Edit: By the way, I added a book in the resources topic, but since I didn't want to doublepost, I edited it in the comment so the topic hasn't bumped up. So, just saying there is new stuff in there.
,,People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."


It seems like things are moving over at Deviantart. I'm a little surprised I haven't heard from anyone on the GUNBABY thing but hopefully that will see some movement soon. Ran seems to know what's going on over there so I made her a co-founder and Gabor I approved your membership a little while ago.

So things are going good.  ;)


Quote from: Rob on January 15, 2010, 10:12:06 PM
I'm a little surprised I haven't heard from anyone on the GUNBABY thing but hopefully that will see some movement soon.

I'm actually kicking around the idea of making an installment of GUNBABY. Me. Crazy, right?


Since I wasn't hearing from anyone else I was thinking of doing it too. How said is that? With my shitty art?