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dArt group

Started by GaborBoth, January 13, 2010, 02:03:43 PM

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Yours is better than mine. That's extremely sad considering my dad is an artist  :-\


Maybe you should get your Dad to draw your GUNBABY comic. You could write it and he could draw it. It would be a fun father/son exercise.  :D


He's more used to wildlife  ;)


I'm so optimistic, my blood type is 'B Positive'!


Mine is easy, just . =D

I already send my request to join.  Gunbaby art coming soon...


I approved your request Yamino and I tried to upgrade you and several others to "Contributor." Apparently that is a change that you, the user, has to approve.  ;)


I have approved! I still can't post my Gunbaby art though, for some reason. T_T


I actually like to use submissions on Sundays on the front page here with a link to the artists comic. So if you could PM it to me or something I'll get it up on DA when your turn comes in like 2 weeks if thats ok?

Let me know.


I don't really understand. XD; I'm fine with you posting on the front page here in two weeks if you want, but I was trying to submit to the DA group.  Why bother waiting to post it to the DA group? o-o


I guess I don't have a problem with that. I just thought it would be nice if it was the first time everyone saw it when it showed up on the front page. But it isn't that big of a deal. The only issue with the DA thing is only a founder can submit right now. I'm going to see if I can change that though.

As I said over at the DA site. I was expecting volunteers from here to run things over there. I really have no idea how their site works or what I'm doing in the admin functions. I'm bound to destroy something sooner or later.

Hopefully it won't be too important.  :-\


I'm the owner of the Sister Claire group, so I know a bit about how it works. If you can figure out how to promote me, I can help out a bit with organizing things.  I have a lot of projects to oversee, though, so I can't be in charge of it 24-7. XD;


Ok I think I got permissions straightened out with that so contributors should actually be able to contribute (kinda silly for them not to be able too huh?).

No promises.

Yamino I'm going to make you Co-Founder. I'll continue to update whatever GUNBABY stuff that comes to me through this site here once I post it. Folks who are members there who want to submit it themselves can do it whenever they want. Anything you can do over there to keep order would be groovy.

I know you are busy though, do what you can with my thanks.  ;)


You are now a co-founder.  ;)


I have a DA account too, come to think of it and *gasp* I actually sort of maintain it!

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