
Our Community Comic "Gunbaby" is and always will be open for submissions. Any submissions received will run on the site front page on Sundays.

My Time With Billy

Started by aaron@MTWB, March 08, 2013, 12:04:15 AM

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Hello everyone, I'm new here and wanted to get some opinions/critiques of a webcomic a friend and I recently started called My Time with Billy. We've been updating the comic for a little over a month now and we want to get an idea if what we are doing is any good or if we need to make any changes to what we are doing.

Our archive is rather small right now (only 14 comics up). But we think that it is a good enough number for people to gauge whether what we have is any good or not. I am going post another thread on the Web Design thread (under the same subject name) so you can give us input on our website as well. We would like to keep this post about the art and writing in the comic.

Thank you for opinions,
hope to hear from a lot of you.

Link to site is right here: