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Advertising Opportunity

Started by Rob, July 14, 2010, 03:11:43 PM

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Hey guys,

As you know I have Project Wonderful ads at Remedial Comics as well as here on the front page and the forums.

The weekend of Friday July 23rd would be a very good time for people to be advertising on any of those ads. My space is very cheap right now and although it won't stay that way it will be a relative bargain for what is going to happen on that weekend.

I cannot tell you what is going to happen. I can't even guarantee that anything will happen.

But if you've ever wondered what a traffic bomb looks like (when a site with much more traffic [not me] links to a much smaller site [me]), then you might want to keep your eyes on us that weekend.



interesting. i wish my comic was up and running by then.


Pffft, I was advertising on Remedy before it was cool!


Questionable Content is having a guest week next week.  Is this relevant by any chance?



But I've already had a strip on QC.

I'd love to get another one some time. Jeph has some great characters that are a lot of fun to write for. And I have something else in the works for QC that I've been working on for a long time.

But nothing next week though... no. And if it was just a guest strip I'd tell you. It's a little bit more than that.  ;)


Aw man, I need to check QC more often, I didn't even know about the guest week and he's already picked out the strips that are going to run :( Anyone on here scheduled for envious congratulations in the near future?


When Jeph plans his guest strips he goes to his friends. You'll see a bunch of Topatoco people and maybe Danielle Corsetto; basically, his crew. The trick to get a guest strip going with him, actually almost anyone, is to do the best strip you can possible muster and then watch his/her blog and schedule. Send it at a time you think they are going to be busy in the near future and then just hope they use it.

It won't always work. But sometimes it does.

To my knowledge though Jeph did not publicly solicit strips for this week nor has he ever.


I suppose he does have his little posse of the Cool Kids of the Internet, and with his audience, opening guest strip submissions up to the public would probably flood out his inbox.

Doing the best strip you can make pretty much goes without saying, but it honestly never occurred to me to do a guest strip and hang on to it until the site author was looking for guest submissions.


Quote from: Gar on July 19, 2010, 04:11:57 AM
I suppose he does have his little posse of the Cool Kids of the Internet, and with his audience, opening guest strip submissions up to the public would probably flood out his inbox.

Doing the best strip you can make pretty much goes without saying, but it honestly never occurred to me to do a guest strip and hang on to it until the site author was looking for guest submissions.

Oh I don't necessarily hang on to it. I mean, I read their comics and their blogs so I know kinda what's going on in their lives. I have some idea of when the busy times are coming up and when a night off to prepare for something else might be tempting.

I take advantage of that.

I do the strip in calculation of those events and then send it shortly before a time when I think they will be able to use it.

I'm not manipulating them per se. These are people I like an admire. I'm giving them an out for a busy time when I know it will benefit up both.


Sneaky and devious...yet benign!

heh, your comic takes after its daddy.


In case you guys were wondering....

Attribution and links aren't up yet but I'm hoping they take care of that soon.