
Webcomics beget Webcomics!

Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance

Started by Pete, January 08, 2010, 09:32:40 AM

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Greetings and salutations, webcomic creators and lovers alike.

My name is Pete Tarkulich and I'm the brains (or lack of) behind the webcomic Bardsworth.  I've been doling out advice on starting webcomics for a while now, and it's great to be a part of a community where I can reach more people to help screw up.  Er, succeed.

A note for those who trawl other webcomic forums/sites - usually I go by the handle "roofpig", but I decided this was more of a business type thing, so I'm using my real name.


Welcome, Pete. Strangely, I remember coming across your comic a few years back. I'd read through the archives but not actually bothered to follow along. Hmm, guess I have some catching up to do.


I'd like to think the comic's gotten better over the past few years, so hopefully I'll keep you as a reader this time!  ;-)


Pete's here. There goes the neighborhood... :P


Quote from: TakaComics on January 08, 2010, 01:54:08 PM
Pete's here. There goes the neighborhood... :P
I didn't set those fires, I swear!


Welcome Pete.

Thanks for dropping by. As someone with some experience I hope you will contribute with an article or something in the future. Either way it's great to have you here.  ;)